CCTV cameras are
everywhere, but more often than not, that they are installed in such
a manner that they are not readily observed. We very often, need to
look closely and carefully to observe them. At times they may even be
disguised. It may be seen as a contradiction, where the CCTV
installation must not be very obvious, while at the same time the law
can stipulate that you must post a notice that says the premises are
monitored by CCTV cameras.
What is even now more
intriguing is how many of these CCTV cameras are being used. There
are several models of cameras that can be worn. It can become a bit
discomforting, knowing that someone can be following recording your
movements without your knowledge.
What may actually become necessary is a law that requires an
explicit statement that announces that your activity is being
recorded, just as it a legal requirement to disclose when
conversations are being recorded, but we also know that the
authorities can legally be exempted, when they are legally allowed to
wiretap telephone lines.
CCTV cameras are also
being used in even more intriguing ways, as researchers are
developing some novel ways to read your mind using a CCTV installation.
The technology involves the use of imagining
devices and predictive software algorithms, which can record and read
your thoughts. A camera that can read your mind is scary, enough, but
knowing that it can be done from a distance is even spooky. It is not
too far-fetched to imagine that someone, who may thousands of
kilometers away, may actually know what you are going to do before
you actually do it.
This is no longer
science-fiction, and it may much be closer to being reality than we
think. The algorithm is built to recognize brain activity from
facial expressions, and detect aggression. Other systems are making
use of Microsoft's Kine
ct gaming
sensor technology, that analyses body movements, and can tell when
you are about to kick or throw a punch. They are said to more than
90% accurate. The system was first created to detect violent
behaviors in patients, but is found to be applicable when transformed
for use in security cameras systems.
It may come as no
surprise to know that some of the companies involved in the
sponsoring the conferences where the systems are demoed, include
Facebook and Microsoft. We cannot yet visualize what can happen when
the systems and technology improve to become widely adopted. There
may be tremendous benefits , from the use of remote sensing
technology and research continues into upgrading the technology, with
audio capability, so that that is can detect when you are angry and
likely to commit violent acts.
The takeaway is that you
can no longer think of a CCTV camera
installation that is simply monitoring your activities. It may be
much more interactive and capable of handling much more than you
would think it possibly can.
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